Source code for flask_webtest

# coding: utf-8
import importlib.metadata
from http import cookiejar
from copy import copy
from functools import partial
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext

from werkzeug.local import LocalStack
from flask import g, session, get_flashed_messages
from flask.signals import template_rendered, request_started, request_finished
from webtest import (TestApp as BaseTestApp,
                     TestRequest as BaseTestRequest,
                     TestResponse as BaseTestResponse)

flask_version = importlib.metadata.version('flask')

    import flask_sqlalchemy
except ImportError:
    flask_sqlalchemy = None

    # Available starting with Flask 0.10
    from flask.signals import message_flashed
except ImportError:
    message_flashed = None

_session_scope_stack = LocalStack()

[docs] class SessionScope(object): """Session scope, being pushed, changes the value of :func:`.scopefunc` and, as a result, calls to `db.session` are proxied to the new underlying session. When popped, removes the current session and swap the value of :func:`.scopefunc` to the one that was before. :param db: :class:`flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy` instance """ def __init__(self, db): self.db = db
[docs] def push(self): """Pushes the session scope.""" _session_scope_stack.push(self)
[docs] def pop(self): """Removes the current session and pops the session scope.""" self.db.session.remove() rv = _session_scope_stack.pop() assert rv is self, 'Popped wrong session scope. (%r instead of %r)' \ % (rv, self)
def __enter__(self): self.push() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): self.pop()
[docs] def get_scopefunc(original_scopefunc=None): """Returns :func:`.SessionScope`-aware `scopefunc` that has to be used during testing. """ if original_scopefunc is None: assert flask_sqlalchemy, 'Is Flask-SQLAlchemy installed?' try: # for flask_sqlalchemy older than 2.2 where the connection_stack # was either the app stack or the request stack original_scopefunc = flask_sqlalchemy.connection_stack.__ident_func__ except AttributeError: try: # when flask_sqlalchemy 2.2 or newer, which supports only flask 0.10 # or newer, we use app stack from flask import _app_ctx_stack original_scopefunc = _app_ctx_stack.__ident_func__ except (AttributeError, ImportError): # flask 3.0.0 or newer does not export _app_ctx_stack # newer flask does not expose an __ident_func__, use greenlet directly import greenlet original_scopefunc = greenlet.getcurrent def scopefunc(): rv = original_scopefunc() sqlalchemy_scope = if sqlalchemy_scope: rv = (rv, id(sqlalchemy_scope)) return rv return scopefunc
def store_rendered_template(app, template, context, **extra): g._flask_webtest.setdefault('contexts', []).append((, context)) def store_flashed_message(app, message, category, **extra): g._flask_webtest.setdefault('flashes', []).append((category, message)) def set_up(app, *args, **extra): g._flask_webtest = {} if not message_flashed: def _get_flashed_messages(*args, **kwargs): # `get_flashed_messages` removes messages from session, # so we store them in `g._flask_webtest` flashes_to_be_consumed = copy(session.get('_flashes', [])) g._flask_webtest.setdefault('flashes', []).extend(flashes_to_be_consumed) return get_flashed_messages(*args, **kwargs) app.jinja_env.globals['get_flashed_messages'] = _get_flashed_messages def tear_down(store, app, response, *args, **extra): g._flask_webtest['session'] = dict(session) store.update(g._flask_webtest) del g._flask_webtest if not message_flashed: app.jinja_env.globals['get_flashed_messages'] = get_flashed_messages class TestResponse(BaseTestResponse): contexts = {} def _make_contexts_assertions(self): assert self.contexts, 'No templates used to render the response.' assert len(self.contexts) == 1, \ ('More than one template used to render the response. ' 'Use `contexts` attribute to access their names and contexts.') @property def context(self): self._make_contexts_assertions() return list(self.contexts.values())[0] @property def template(self): self._make_contexts_assertions() return list(self.contexts.keys())[0] class TestRequest(BaseTestRequest): ResponseClass = TestResponse class CookieJar(cookiejar.CookieJar): """CookieJar that always sets ASCII headers, even if cookies have unicode parts such as name, value or path. It is necessary to make :meth:`TestApp.session_transaction` work correctly. """ def _cookie_attrs(self, cookies): attrs = cookiejar.CookieJar._cookie_attrs(self, cookies) return map(str, attrs)
[docs] class TestApp(BaseTestApp): """Extends :class:`webtest.TestApp` by adding few fields to responses: .. attribute:: templates Dictionary containing information about what templates were used to build the response and what their contexts were. The keys are template names and the values are template contexts. .. attribute:: flashes List of tuples (category, message) containing messages that were flashed during request. Note: Fully supported only starting with Flask 0.10. If you use previous version, `flashes` will contain only those messages that were consumed by :func:`flask.get_flashed_messages` template calls. .. attribute:: session Dictionary that contains session data. If exactly one template was used to render the response, it's name and context can be accessed using `response.template` and `response.context` properties. If `app` config sets SERVER_NAME and HTTP_HOST is not specified in `extra_environ`, :class:`TestApp` will also set HTTP_HOST to SERVER_NAME for all requests to the app. :param app: :class:`flask.Flask` instance :param db: :class:`flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy` instance :param use_session_scopes: if specified, application performs each request within it's own separate session scope """ RequestClass = TestRequest def __init__(self, app, db=None, use_session_scopes=False, cookiejar=None, extra_environ=None, *args, **kwargs): if use_session_scopes: assert db, ('`db` (instance of `flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy`) ' 'must be passed to use session scopes.') self.db = db self.use_session_scopes = use_session_scopes if extra_environ is None: extra_environ = {} if app.config['SERVER_NAME'] and 'HTTP_HOST' not in extra_environ: extra_environ['HTTP_HOST'] = app.config['SERVER_NAME'] super(TestApp, self).__init__(app, extra_environ=extra_environ, *args, **kwargs) # cookielib.CookieJar defines __len__ and empty CookieJar evaluates # to False in boolan context. That's why we explicitly compare # `cookiejar` with None: self.cookiejar = CookieJar() if cookiejar is None else cookiejar def do_request(self, *args, **kwargs): store = {} tear_down_ = partial(tear_down, store) request_started.connect(set_up) request_finished.connect(tear_down_) template_rendered.connect(store_rendered_template) if message_flashed: message_flashed.connect(store_flashed_message) if self.use_session_scopes: scope = SessionScope(self.db) scope.push() context = nullcontext if'FLASK_WEBTEST_PUSH_APP_CONTEXT', False): context = try: with context(): response = super(TestApp, self).do_request(*args, **kwargs) finally: if self.use_session_scopes: scope.pop() template_rendered.disconnect(store_rendered_template) request_finished.disconnect(tear_down_) request_started.disconnect(set_up) if message_flashed: message_flashed.disconnect(store_flashed_message) response.session = store.get('session', {}) response.flashes = store.get('flashes', []) response.contexts = dict(store.get('contexts', [])) return response def set_werkzeug_cookie(self, name, value, domain, path): """ As of Werkzeug 2.3.0, cookie implementation was refactored, and cookies no longer have the same footprint as http.cookiejar.Cookie. But, webtest expects the http-lib cookies to set up the test request. Do some basic translation here for any cookies set in a session transaction. """ # Match what webtest.set_cookie() does for the domain or we can end up with "duplicate" # cookies with different domains when using session_transaction() if '.' not in domain: domain = "%s.local" % domain if flask_version.startswith('2.2.') and not domain.startswith('.'): # Flask 2.3 dropped the leading dot for cookie domains, but we still need it for < 2.3 domain = f'.{domain}' cookie = cookiejar.Cookie( version=0, name=name, value=value, port=None, port_specified=False, domain=domain, domain_specified=True, domain_initial_dot=False, path=path, path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=False, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest=None ) self.cookiejar.set_cookie(cookie)
[docs] @contextmanager def session_transaction(self): """When used in combination with a with statement this opens a session transaction. This can be used to modify the session that the test client uses. Once the with block is left the session is stored back. For example, if you use Flask-Login, you can log in a user using this method:: with client.session_transaction() as sess: sess['user_id'] = 1 Internally it uses :meth:`flask.testing.FlaskClient.session_transaction`. """ with as client: translate_werkzeug_cookie = hasattr(client, 'get_cookie') for cookie in self.cookiejar: if translate_werkzeug_cookie: client.set_cookie(, value=cookie.value, # http.cookiejar has code everywhere that normalizes "localhost" to # localhost.local everywhere. But, Flask/Werkzeug just use "localhost". # If this isn't changed, then FlaskClient looks for cookies that match # "localhost.local" and "localhost" doesn't match that. This results in # losing the existing session (if there is one). domain='localhost' if cookie.domain == 'localhost.local' else cookie.domain, path=cookie.path, ) else: client.cookie_jar.set_cookie(cookie) with client.session_transaction() as sess: yield sess if translate_werkzeug_cookie: for cookie in client._cookies.values(): self.set_werkzeug_cookie(cookie.key, cookie.value, cookie.domain, cookie.path) else: for cookie in client.cookie_jar: # Cookies from `client.cookie_jar` may contain unicode name # and value. It would make WebTest linter (:mod:`webtest.lint`) # throw assertion errors about unicode environmental # variable (HTTP_COOKIE), but we use custom CookieJar that is # aware of this oddity and always sets 8-bit headers. self.cookiejar.set_cookie(cookie)